About me

According to the motto "with people and for people", it is my heart's desire to introduce the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the world ... to give back to the world something that it has given to me.

What drives me?

Through curiosity I got to know Qi Gong in 2006 in the context of prevention courses. I quickly realized that a new world was opening up to me and that the benefits of Qi Gong were physical as well as mental and spiritual.

The teaching of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes Qi Gong, views the human being as a whole. This is exactly what I had missed in conventional medicine. So Qi Gong helped me with my back and knee complaints, years later with a slipped disc and emerging sleep disorders.

Encouraged by this extremely healing self-experience, I trained as a Qi Gong teacher at the Shen Men Institute in Düsseldorf. During this Yangsheng Gong or medical Qi Gong training, the desire for a professional change became more and more concrete. Until that time I was still working in my old profession as an electrical engineer, where I was responsible for technical trainings as a trainer.
A new door opened for me in the context of the company health care at my former employer. As a Qi Gong teacher I offered regular classes for the employees. In addition, I also led exercise sessions in a fitness studio in Cologne.

Impressed by the effect and the feedback, the desire to learn more about the field of TCM arose. With the Shiatsu training at Tao Touch in Bayreuth I learned how much working with the 5 elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) helps to strengthen your own body awareness.

As a Qi Gong and Shiatsu practitioner, I see my task in showing you ways to get your life energy flowing again through physical and mental movement. You can find more about my work here

If you are ready for this process of change, feel free to contact me. We will take the time to discuss your concerns and set up the first appointments.
You can find my contact details here